Broiler and laying manure is our main focus, and the products are widely used as soil conditioner and organic fertiliser. A portion of this manure stream ends up with Atlantic Fertilisers, a licensed facility for the handling and composting of poultry manure. They specialise in pelletising and blending of organic fertilisers for distribution in the agriculture sector, as well as retail.
Due to the close co-operation between Swaco Organies and DNA Compost, sales and transportation of quality compost became part of our portfolio. Abattoir waste is a waste product that had no place in the previous dispensation of landfill. Swaco Organies is proud to be part of the solution of such products by delivering it to licensed composting facilities like DNA Compost, who use it as a nitrogen source in high-quality compost for the agricultural sector.
The focus of zero organics to landfill opened the door for the handling of organic waste streams such as abattoir waste, winery waste, sewage sludge and general waste. We supply 30㎥ and 20㎥ containers on a rental basis for consumers. The waste is then sorted and recycled from general waste bins – a minimum amount is being dumped at the landfill sites. Customers are supplied with “Safe Disposal Certificates” for every bin removed.